So then there's the whole spiritual aspect of this fasting. When i told my mom that I was going to be doing the fast she said that I should be praying and asking God for something. Ibut do consider myself to be a Christian, but my individual spirituality pales in comparison to that of my mother's... One thing I do want is either a decent word processing app for my Kindle Fire to write these blog posts or either a laptop which is so sensitive that the touch pad for the mouse constantly changes my cursor location while I'm typing. But I digress...
Realistically I wanted to read the Bible from beginning to end during this period. I've already started and up to II Kings. My honest opinion of it so far, I find it rather appalling and I had no clue the amount of violence that existed in the Bible. It almost seems unreal but that's where faith comes in I guess. I've never made any effort to read the Bible on my own, I've always have read small passages in church and before sermons. It's clear to me why much of it is ignored throughout those sermons, because the stories of these Israelites is depressing and violent. It also seems very cultish at times.
So that brings me to this. I've decided what I'm going to pray and ask God for during this fast. A better understanding of the Bible.
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